Posted by: kmorrison33 | September 3, 2008

Day 2 at the Convention - “Viva John McCain”

Tuesday’s schedule was dedicated to theme of service, while also showing an inclusive spirit. The most touching moment of the night came with a long standing ovation for the sister and the fellow Navy Seals in the unit of deceased Seal Michael Monsoor. He was the first Navy Seal to die in Iraq and was awarded the Medal of Honor for his bravery and courageous actions during battle.

Another nice moment was the warm welcome for President H.W. Bush and Barbara Bush. The night included talks from Captain Leslie Smith who lost her foot because of a blood clot that almost cost her her life. Tommy Epinoza who started his address saying, “Good evening, my name is Tom Espinoza … I’m CATHOLIC … HISPANIC … and a DEMOCRAT … and I’m proud to call John McCain my friend.” He talked about Senator McCain’s service in the community, and how service is a way of life for Senator McCain and his family. He ended his talk stating, “Viva John McCain!” Wes Gullet with his daughter Nicki at his side talked about how Cindy McCain brought back two babies from Bangladesh both of whom were in desperate need of medical care. The McCain’s adopted one of those babies, their daughter Bridgette; and the Gullet family adopted the other baby their daughter Nicki.

The featured speakers President Bush via video (with intro from Mrs. Bush on site), Fred Thompson, and Joe Lieberman made for a solid and interesting night. President Bush did a nice job discussing Senator McCain’s military service. Also, he noted how Senator McCain’s strong support for the surge and how important that was, as some in congress wanted to cut off funding for the troops. He repeated Senator McCain’s statement that he would rather lose a campaign than lose a war, as Senator McCain’s support for the surge clearly jeopardized his chances of winning the primaries.

Senators Thompson and Lieberman made for an interesting contrast. While Thompson presented the biography of Senator McCain, he also gave a sort of classic Republican talk. On the other hand, Lieberman talked about his friendship with Senator McCain; how respected he is on both sides of the isle, and how he is clearly not the typical Republican, and is clearly his own man.

Several excellent videos have been shown at the convention. This one takes a historical look at service.


  1. This clip took my breath away. This is what it is all about. Not false hopes - history and sustaining it.

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