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Biden Says Obama Will Be Tested With A ‘Major International Crisis’

Barack Obama will need help in a crisis, says Joe Biden from Times Online UK…

Joe Biden, the Democratic vice-presidential nominee, has told Americans to expect a “major international crisis” that will present an early test of a Barack Obama administration.

His comments were seized upon by the Republican campaign yesterday to raise fresh doubts about the prepared-ness of Mr Obama to be commander-in-chief.

Speaking at a fundraiser in Seattle on Sunday night, Mr Biden said: “Mark my words, it will not be six months before the world tests Barack Obama like they did John Kennedy. The world is looking. We’re about to elect a brilliant 47-year-old senator president of the United States of America. Remember I said it standing here . . . we’re gonna have an international crisis, a generated crisis, to test the mettle of this guy.”

He cited Russia and the Middle East as possible places that may cause problems, as well as the border between Afghanistan and Pakistan – “crawling with al-Qaeda” – as being of particular concern.

Mr Obama would need help and support, Mr Biden suggested, “because it’s not gonna be apparent, initially, that we’re right.” He then spotted the media in the room, “I probably shouldn’t have said all this because it dawned on me that the press is here.”

Now why would anyone vote for Barack Obama when his own VP states that a vote for Obama is a vote for an international crisis? Why would anyone want to be a part of a ticket that one believes will lead the country to crisis? What an unbelievable statement. The only time a time camera falls on Senator Biden at this point is when he is trying to pull his foot out of his mouth. However, this is beyond a gaffe; this is disturbing. It appears Senator Biden sees Senator Obama as weak. It appears that Senator Biden, is not confident in Senator Obama’s ability to handle a crisis, and it appears that Senator Biden would prefer a “major international crisis” that a Republican president.

15 Responses to “Biden Says Obama Will Be Tested With A ‘Major International Crisis’”

  1. This democrat will be voting republican ticket again this election! There is no way I could vote Obama when he is so wet behind the ears that he wouldn’t know what to do in a crisis!

  2. [...] Now why would anyone vote for Barack Obama when his own VP states that a vote for Obama is a vote for an international crisis? Why would anyone want to be a part of a ticket that one believes will lead the country to crisis? What an unbelievable statement. The only time a time camera falls on Senator Biden at this point is when he is trying to pull his foot out of his mouth. However, this is beyond a gaffe; this is disturbing. It appears Senator Biden sees Senator Obama as weak. It appears that Senator Biden, is not confident in Senator Obama’s ability to handle a crisis, and it appears that Senator Biden would prefer a “major international crisis” that a Republican president. Biden Says Obama Will Be Tested With A ‘Major International Crisis’ [...]

  3. [...] Now why would anyone vote for Barack Obama when his own VP states that a vote for Obama is a vote for an international crisis? Why would anyone want to be a part of a ticket that one believes will lead the country to crisis? What an unbelievable statement. The only time a time camera falls on Senator Biden at this point is when he is trying to pull his foot out of his mouth. However, this is beyond a gaffe; this is disturbing. It appears Senator Biden sees Senator Obama as weak. It appears that Senator Biden, is not confident in Senator Obama’s ability to handle a crisis, and it appears that Senator Biden would prefer a “major international crisis” that a Republican president. Biden Says Obama Will Be Tested With A ‘Major International Crisis’ [...]

  4. Joe Biden says the election of Obama may lead to a new conflict, terrorist attack, or a third war. A careful analysis of history says he may be correct.

  5. What a minute didn’t just go though a crisis or is still in a crisis, and who was not acting Presidential?

    One hint: John McCain.

    I hope that you guys will be able to guess the answer. I tried to make it easy for you. :D

  6. Actually I know one reason why the other nations would try to test Obama or McCain because Bush is leaving America on such shaky ground with the economy and our alliance with other countries.

    In Bush’s 8 years of presidency we lost so many alliances with other countries over the war in Iraq (going against NATO), and going back on treaties and such.

    America has lost face under Bush’s control. Other countries are coming together without the help or the need of American help.

    In other countries’ eyes America is not the super power it once were because of Bush’s tactics in the global arena .

    So whom ever becomes our next President (most likely Obama) that person will be tested to see where he stands in the global arena.

    They are worried if another Bush type president will come out of this election.

  7. Why I am voting Democrat!

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe the government will do a better job of spending MY MONEY than I would. I think when you spread the wealth around it is good for everybody! It’s Patriotic!

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe that business should not be allowed to make profits for themselves. All profits are evil and should be confiscated for Government Redistribution.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe that MORE Government regulations and higher taxes on Business will stop Business from exporting their jobs to Countries with LESS Government regulations and lower taxes.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe terrorists should be allowed to have trials in American courts. And be able to subpoena top secret documents, soldiers, government officials, etc. to cross examine for their defense. They should have ACLU lawyers who can help intimidate Americans who serve on the juries!

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe Gay Marriage should be the law of the land and will probably produce better children.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe English should not be the official language of the United States. I don’t mind pushing one for English when I use the phone.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe partial birth abortion is okay but water boarding a terrorist is disgusting.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe having a domestic terrorist like Bill Ayers as a close friend is a good thing. It allows for great relations with foreign terrorists.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe in a FREE government health care system. I believe doctors, nurses, hospitals, drug companies, etc. will gladly donate their time, products, services, facilities, etc. for FREE and that will be a better system.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe in and support trial lawyers, frivolous lawsuits and outrageous jury verdicts.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe 9/11 was an inside job to con the American people to go to war for oil.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe social security is solvent and that there is a social security lock box and I don’t believe social security is a Ponzi scheme.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe MOST AMERICANS are bitter and cling to their guns and religion. Let’s rid our country of guns and religion!

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe illegal aliens deserve all the rights of ordinary Americans plus some additional rights Americans do not have.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe corporations should pay higher taxes! I believe higher taxes on business will make the price of their products and services LESS EXPENSIVE.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe groups like ACORN who register felons, drug addicts, wino’s, homeless drifters, illegal aliens, dead people, children, fictional Disney characters, etc. makes my vote count more.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe celebrating the winter solstice shows compassion for the small minority of people that do not celebrate Christmas.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe hard core criminal murders and rapists deserve life and that the innocent unborn deserve death. It’s a choice I can live with.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe Bush caused Hurricane Katrina and he blew-up the levies in the ninth ward of New Orleans.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe that any one who is not partaking in one of the many wonderful government programs obviously has too much money and should pay higher taxes.

    I’m voting Democrat because when we pull out of Iraq the terrorists will be happy and now think of us as good people.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe our soldiers are AIR RAIDING villages and killing innocent people.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe sex in the Oval Office with an intern is a private matter and that everybody lies under oath about sex.

    I’m votin Demokrat becuse I wus edumkated at a publick sckrool. I lik da Natsionel Edukatshun Assoseeashun!

    I’m voting Democrat because freedom of speech is fine as long as it does not offend people. Can’t we all just get along?

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe oil companies’ profits are wrong. I believe higher taxes on oil companies will produce lower prices at the pump.

    I’m voting Democrat because I believe we need to rid ourselves of dependency on foreign oil, BUT I AM AGAINST offshore drilling for oil and natural gas, drilling in Anwar, building nuclear power plants and clean coal technology.

    And finally, I’m voting Democrat because I believe Reverend Wright when he said “GODDAMN AMERICA” and “OUR CHICKENS ARE COMING HOME TO ROOST”. Hey let’s make a comfortable nest for those chickens!

    Why are you voting Democrat?

  8. So .. does FOX own you guy?

  9. I’m not voting Democrat Nor am I voting Republican, I am voting for individuals to a seat. I don’t believe that either candidate is good for the country, I believe that John McCain is the lesser of the two evils. I believe Obama is hiding things like his ties to ACORN and other extremist groups, I believe that Obama is not capable of running this country and I believe his tax policies will make this country worse than it is now. I also believe that we should not allow people to be picked up in bus loads to register to vote by any party, I think it’s up to the individual to go to register and go to the polls and unless they are handicapped they should have to go to those places at there own expense and not anyone else’s. Doing that just makes it look like we are a third world country and voter fraud becomes prevalent. Obama spent 143 days in the senate and announced he was running for president, it takes longer to make Manager at McDonalds! Obama is Pro Extreme Activists and if you have not seen pictures of Africa and what they have going on over in that country then research it out because the same thing will happen here, we need IQ testing for registration to vote as ell as drive, people who are not smart enough shouldn’t be allowed to vote. I also believe that people who do not pay any taxes should have the right to vote as well since the government is the one spending our tax money only people that actually pay taxes should vote!

  10. Americans need to OPEN THEIR EYES! Why do you think the Hamas and other similar groups want the “weak on,” Obama, to become Pres? We already know he will not be able to make serious decisions on his own. We DO NOT need a President who has to wait for his VP to help him make a decision when we are under attack around the world. We MUST get smart about our politics, and elect the only presidential candidate that terrorist groups respect. This respect is what will keep us safe, here and abroad. That candidate is Sen John McCain!! Ask yourself how much we really know about Nobama! Very concerning that so many have shut their eyes to this smooth talker! Seriously people. Snap out of it.

  11. Heavenly, you are a brainless nitwit.

  12. Why do you need to call names!
    Do you think that will convince people you know which candidate to vote for?
    Name calling and making fun of others is so childish.
    If you think that bullying people to think you way then you are not a true American!
    We protect each other not taunt and ridicule each other. Let people state their mind and you state yours.
    That is AMERICA!

  13. Come on crack babies. ACORN hires people to register voters. At the wages they pay, they do not get the cream of the crop and rather than do the work, the make fake registrations to meet their quotas. BY LAW ACORN has to turn in all the registrations they get, and unlike GOP operatives in the news lately, they follow the law and turn them in - often marking the ones they believe are suspect. Your fellow crack addicts, after filling in false registrations because they’re too lazy to do the work, aren’t going to go around voting under the false registrations they created. It’s about the money for them, not the election.

  14. USA, USA, USA…. NooooooooooBAMA!

  15. im voting DEMOCRAT because it makes perfect sense to work my ass off all my life and get lots of money only to watch it go to poor lazy people who dont pay taxes in the first place.

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