Posted by: kmorrison33 | April 7, 2011

Take Military Pay Off the Table in Shut Down Debate

As the debates and arguments about a potential government shut down continue, here’s one simple request:  Take military pay off the table.  Virtually no one wants military paycheks stop, and it will be a total failure of both parties and both branches of governement if pay is withheld.  Accusations of playing politics abound.  Imagine that politicians are playing politics - shocking (sarcasm implied).  The members of the military, who this country has asked so much of in the last decade, don’t need to be jerked around like this.  Both sides should be mature enough to give an assurance that whether or not they get what they want, whether a shut down occurs or not, measures will be taken under any political circumstance to keep pay going to those defending this country.  My prediction is that all invloved will be seen as failures by the American people if military pay is withheld, and rightfully so.


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