Posted by: kmorrison33 | October 27, 2008

Media Measuring the Drapes for Obama

CNN reports on a NM newspaper declaring Obama the winner a week prior to the election. Hopefully this paper doesn’t has some inside info from ACORN. However, at least they are up front enough in declaring their Obama love. CNN, green with envy, reports on this paper’s story as newsworthy in another display of their desires to annoint their favorite candidate president.

-By the way, can anyone remember Dewey’s first name?

One New Mexico paper has declared Obama the next president.

SANTA FE, New Mexico (CNN) – For The New Mexico Sun News it is either a major scoop or “Dewey Beats Truman” déjà vu 60 years later.

“Obama Wins!” is the headline of the edition on newsstands now, complete with “special collector’s edition” in red bold typeface.

The Sun News is a bi-monthly newspaper and its Oct 26-Nov 8 issue had to hit the streets, and the newsstands, before the election. So the editors decided to make a leap of faith and declare Democrat Barack Obama the winner.


  1. My friend was just telling me a similar story. What a small world huh?

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