• Welcome Purple People

    To me Purple People are those of us who are neither Republican Red nor Democrat Blue; we find ourselves in between. The internet often represents those on the far left or the far right; this site is for those of us in the middle.

    Since there are a variety of non-conformists that consider themselves Independents, here's a clarification. The point of view of this blog is basically Realist/Libertarian light...

    -Pro Small Government, bureaucracies tend to be wasteful and inefficient.

    -Government should not be the morality police.

    -Less waste, lower taxes. Taxes are okay if spent wisely. Roads and schools need funding. Be smart with my money and I won't complain.

    -Government shouldn't babysit adults. Help kids and assist people who have serious problems, but stop trying to protect everyone from themselves.

    -Foreign policy should be conducted by people with brains and experience. Think, don't be reckless and don't be politically motivated. Remember that the U.S. is not the only country in the world.

    -Tone down the rhetoric and remember your manners. Play nicely and don't belittle people who disagree with you.

    Moderates Also Welcomed
  • Archives

McCain Blogger Call - Addressing Iraq

I don’t consider myself a complainer, but I have a laundry list of political complaints. These are the basis for declaring myself an Independent, and this seems like the place to vent. So in no particular order here are 10 complaints/tips to politicians…
1. Just because I think a Republican is wrong doesn’t mean I think [...]

Complaints form an Independent

I don’t consider myself a complainer, but I have a laundry list of political complaints. These are the basis for declaring myself an Independent, and this seems like the place to vent. So in no particular order here are 10 complaints/tips to politicians…
1. Just because I think a Republican is wrong doesn’t mean I think [...]

John McCain and the Media Part II

It’s interesting how Senator McCain is received in the press. I’ve heard complaints that Senator McCain doesn’t get a fair shake in the press, and complaints that he’s a media darling. Oddly enough, I think both sides have a point. First, the reason Senator McCain has reporters that genuinely like him is [...]

McCain and the Media

I have a bone to pick with the media. I recently wrote an article about the lack of substance in the media titled, “Why Do I Know that Barack Obama Lost His American Flag Lapel Pin?” However, this latest dust up with CNN and Rick Sanchez has highlighted not only the media’s lack [...]

Tom Kean: John McCain is best prepared to defend and protect America

Cross Posted from the Union Leader:
Friday, Nov. 23, 2007
THIS ELECTION is about who is best prepared to lead and defend our nation and its global allies. John McCain understands the nature of the terrorist threats that continue to confront us all. In the time I have been privileged to work with him, Sen. [...]

Decency on Immigration

Reprinted from - http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2007/11/23/AR2007112301493_pf.html
Apart from John McCain, it’s hard to find that quality in the Republican presidential contest.
Saturday, November 24, 2007; A16
THE SPEAKER was discussing the human face of illegal immigration. “People are continuing dying in the Sonoran desert, and it’s just a very sad thing to see,” he said. “One 3-year-old baby died, a [...]

Returning From Iraq, McCain Focuses on New Hampshire

Reprinted From - http://www.abcnews.go.com/print?id=3905857
Republican Contender Attempts to Set Himself Apart From Pack in New Hampshire
Nov. 23, 2007 —
When he talks about his national security credentials, Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., likes to point out that he already knows foreign leaders like Pakistani President Pervez Musharraf and that he has traveled the world extensively.
Almost as [...]

John McCain Liked by Moderates and Conservatives

David Brooks discusses the honor and integrity of John McCain, and why Independents, Republicans, and Democrats like him.
