Posted on May 31, 2008 by kmorrison33
Seems ironic that Senator McCain comes to Senator Clinton’s defense and Senator Obama doesn’t. The statements out of the Obama camp adds doubt to Senator Obama’s claim that he’s a uniter. Senator Obama’s statement expressed disappointment at the divisive remarks, but what about rebutting the content of the statement? The Clinton’s have [...]
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Posted on May 25, 2008 by kmorrison33
The one thing that this presidential race has shown is that the pundits are about as useful a magic eight ball in predicting the outcome of this race. Whether it was last years numerous predictions about exactly when Senator McCain would drop out of the race, and who he would support when he did; or [...]
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Posted on May 21, 2008 by kmorrison33
Best wishes to Senator Kennedy and his family at this difficult time. Friends and supporters should take heart that Senator Kennedy is a tough fighter, and will undoubtedly fight his illness with the same determination that has made him such an effective Senator.
Senator McCain shows his respect for Senator Kennedy and explains why he view’s [...]
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Posted on May 19, 2008 by kmorrison33
10. Newscaster crosses himself before speaking Senator Obama’s name
9. 5:2:1 Ratio of Obama:Clinton:McCain campaign representatives featured on nightly broadcasts.
8. News analysis concludes that only uneducated narrow-minded people don’t vote for Senator Obama
7. Station does expose on SNL bias after they joke about Senator Obama being coddled by the press.
6. Delegate [...]
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Posted on May 17, 2008 by kmorrison33
The Washington Post printed an article that definitively misrepresented Senator McCain’s stance on Hamas stating that he had previously supported negotiating with Hamas without conditions. This is false, and there are numerous sources showing that a quote taken out of context was used to misrepresent his position.
Hot Air explains how it happened…
The [...]
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Posted on May 16, 2008 by kmorrison33
In yesterday’s blogger call Senator McCain was questioned about his speech outlining his goals for 2013, President Bush’s remarks about appeasement, and Senator Obama’s position on negotiating with Iran. Senator McCain discussed how he would embrace bipartisanship as he has done throughout his career. He talked of working on issues that both sides [...]
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Posted on May 13, 2008 by kmorrison33
The Purple People Vote is launching a sister blog McCain Independents. This blog will focus specifically on the presidential race and Independent’s support of John McCain. The Purple People Vote will continue entries about politics from an Independent’s perspective and may share some articles with McCain Independents. However, McCain Independents focus will be different as [...]
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Posted on May 9, 2008 by kmorrison33
An interesting aside to last nights primaries is how the vote is breaking down. Senator Obama wins the black vote, the youth vote, and weathy elite vote. Senator Clinton wins women and the middle working class and older voters. This provides a guide to who Senator McCain can target in the general election. Assuming Senator [...]
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Posted on May 8, 2008 by kmorrison33
A Blogger Tip from McCain Blogger Resources
The importance of linking is not only the traffic generated through that link, but links are a key element of how search engines determine the importance and ranking of a site. With a group of like the McCain/MV08 bloggers, it is simply beneficial to all involved to give another [...]
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