For reader clarification; I am a New Hampshire Independent. During the 2008 presidential election I became a die-hard McCain Supporter, which is why I moved from being a web developer and Internet enthusiast to becoming an active blogger. Typically I lean right on economic issues and left on social issues.
As a NH resident I have the opportunity to see the primaries up close, and plan on posting periodically about NH primary events and news. Doubt that I will be involved the way I was last time - but never say never. Either way, hope that upcoming postings will provide readers an insight on the primary from an indendent Granite Stater’s perspective.
For more about my early take/perspective on the primaries check out - The Kick Off of NH Primary Season
Thank you for visiting Purple People Vote; hope you will come by and read and comment regularly.
-Katherine Morrison
So, did you vote 3rd party any time, or did you go Dole, Gore, Kerry?
I like your web site, btw. I found it while googling trying to learn about the Georgia-Russia conflict. And your left-panel beliefs - I’ll sign on to those.
Let’s see if I can remember my presidential votes: McGovern, 3rd party I think or maybe Ford, John Anderson, 3rd party again or Reagan, Perot, Constitution party, Bush, Bush, and McCain this November.
By: Richard Patton on August 12, 2008
at 3:43 pm
Thanks Richard. I haven’t voted third party. Like the idea of a moderate or independent party, but think it would be extremely difficult to establish.
By: kmorrison33 on August 13, 2008
at 9:37 am
Greetings kmorrison33!
Let me introduce myself. I am a South Georgia boy 55 years of age who holds a B.S. in criminal justice. Politically, on a test which only measures conservative to liberal giuven by a college professor doing research I measure slightly to the right of center. On another survey which had more categories I was classed on the conservative side of libertarian. I picked the winner at all levels during the last several elections.
Why? At the begining Bush/Cheney talked a good conservative game and held forth many of the same policy arguments I agree with. They campainged on a platform of fiscal conservatism and a strong defense. Cheney came across as what he was, a very competent CEO I could feel comfortable with to back the president up.
As for their performance at the helm. They responded well to the crisis presented to them by Al Qaeda. I am a bit uneasy with some of the steps they took in response. I don’t see how certain expansions of government power at the exspense of civil liberties could really be justified. But on the other hand, they didn’t go far far as the liberal icon FDR during WWII and the result that no attack against the US by jihadists have succeded since speaks for itself.
My opinon of their conduct of the war itself is that the strategy was sound. The end game was Iran, then wrapping Bin Laden. The problem was with the execution as they ignored the military maxim that “after the planes have bombed, the artillery has fired, and the tanks have manuvered some poor bastard has to go into the enemies’ foxholes and root their soldiers out.” That takes a lot of troops, something we just didn’t have thanks to Clinton. No war to stop the jihadists will be won until Iran, the world’s biggest state sponsor of terrorism is taken out of the picture. Bush and Cheney recognised it, they just didn’t have the tools to get the job done. So the problem will be left for others to have to do.
Socially, I agree with conservative to a large dergee, thoug I am not an absolutist. I consider abortion murder. I also cannot see how any rational person can consider murder a personal privacy issue, the postion of liberals. I do see a very few conditions where one might have to commit that murder to avoid compound a tragedy with the death of two. But those are very rare. Having had a daughter who was impregnated by a rapist, I would allow that option in that case thoug I strongly feel that the woman in that case should be well informed of the potential consequences, higher rate of suicide, infertitlity, etc, and the possibility of adoption instead.
As for capital punishment, I do agree that their are crimes so heinous in their character to merit it. But as one grounded in criminology I am aslo aware that the evidence that innocent people do get railroaded onto death row is compelling enough that we need to seriously have a hard look at changing the system somehow to eliminate that consequence as much as humanly possible. If such a way cannot be found, then I am willing to suffer the elimination of capital punishment with something which effectively incapacitates such an offender like life without parole.
I think this is about long-winded enough for an introduction. I hope I am welcome here and look forward to more participation if I am.
P.S. The Lo comes from the first two letters of my family name.
By: Lo56 on August 29, 2008
at 1:31 pm
Welcome Lo56,
You’re certainly welcome here. Happy to see a wide range of opinions on PPV.
By: kmorrison33 on August 29, 2008
at 5:36 pm
Thank you.
Ouch! I type too fast for accuracy sometimes and blunders in spelling don’t seem to register when I review. But they become glaring when posted. My eyesight also goes wacky at times since I am a diabetic. So it may be a factor. I will try take a bit more care since it is embarassing and I can do better.
Let the games begin!
By: Lo56 on August 29, 2008
at 11:18 pm
hi there - ur post was submitted to
are u interested in joining our coalition? that is the only way i can post it — it only requires putting up the logo - email me if ur interested.
[email protected]
By: editor on September 13, 2008
at 4:26 pm
Your site seems way more RED than Purple, do you even have a Blue site on your Blog Roll?
By: tim on September 15, 2008
at 3:10 pm
Clintons 4 McCain
Clintons 4 McCain Blog
Cristi Adkins Blog
Democrats for McCain
Savage Politics
I am an unappologetic McCain supporter, and the sites on the blog roll are almost all McCain supporter sites.
By: kmorrison33 on September 15, 2008
at 3:34 pm
I was just reading the philosophy statement on the upper left of the screen.
This is a Whig site! Excellent. I didn’t know there were still Whigs like me.
By: Peter on October 3, 2008
at 1:41 pm
Welcome Peter,
Didn’t realize I was a Whig, but I’m interested in learning more about that. Thanks.
By: kmorrison33 on October 3, 2008
at 4:09 pm
Is there a screenshot available for the actual page (not the page that simpy shows the intro to the article) from the article that says obama trained acorn leaders?
By: gatorgreenwell on October 9, 2008
at 8:09 pm
Thank you for this refreshing site. I am a registered Republican but in the middle on most issues. I became a Republican when I began to notice the viciousness emerging in the Democratic party in the sixties. I did not in anyway want to be associated with this. Voters and politicians really need to stick to issues. I agree with everything you say in your Welcome column.
Thanks again!
By: Shirley Potter on October 20, 2008
at 10:43 am
Thanks Shirley. Welcome!
Gator - the actual page from social policy isn’t available online anymore. The deactivated link to it was up when that article was written, but haven’t checked back recently to see if it is still there. Some news agencies appear to have a hard copy of the article, but I don’t.
By: kmorrison33 on October 20, 2008
at 11:25 am
I refused to join the Democratic party after listening to quite a few people who defected to America from behind the Iron Curtain in the 70’s. Every one of them said they could not become Democrats, because the philosophy was so close to what they ran away from. The Dems have much further left since then.
I tend to vote more with Republicans, unless there’s an indie that makes more sense. Otherwise, I vote for myself as a write -in just to have the “right to complain” , to shut those up who say if you don’t vote, you can’t complain.
By: Ed on October 24, 2008
at 11:12 am
refused to join the Democratic party after listening to quite a few people who defected to America from behind the Iron Curtain in the 70’s. Every one of them said they could not become Democrats, because the philosophy was so close to what they ran away from. The Dems have moved much further left since then.
I tend to vote more with Republicans, unless there’s an indie that makes more sense. Otherwise, I vote for myself as a write -in just to have the “right to complain” , to shut those up who say if you don’t vote, you can’t complain.
By: Ed on October 24, 2008
at 11:13 am
I have really enjoyed your website, kmorrison 33, thanks for putting it together.
First of all, I will say that I am a Republican and am unappologeticly conservative.
I was so excited to read what Lo56 wrote about abortion. Finally, someone who will talk about abortion, and address it as it really is, murder. I am absolutely shocked and unable to understand why any ‘rational person doesn’t consider this to be murder,’ either! How can a system who prosecutes criminals, that kill a pregnant woman, who is far enough along, for that baby to be able to live outside of the womb, with murder, and not consider late term abortion murder? Of course, I consider abortion at any stage of pregnancy, murder, but how can even liberal individuals not get this? If it’s a ‘woman’s right to choose’ to murder her baby, then why wouldn’t any person be able ‘to choose’ to kill anyone they feel like? If it’s a matter of choice? And for Lo56 to address abortion in the case of rape, from a very real and personal experience, is appreciated. (I am so sorry your daughter, as well as your entire family, had to endure such a tragic, deeply saddening, life changing, experience.) However, it is what it is. The decision to take another person’s life. All things happen for a reason, and there are consequences for all decisions made in life. We can’t help what happens to us but, we do have control over what we do in response to that situation. I agree, if there is a situation where one person is going to die, the choice must be made about who will live.
I have to include this bit of information about myself. I am ashamed to admit that I have never been one to really pay attention to political matters. My 16 yr. old son even commented to me a while back that he couldn’t believe that he knew more about politics, (and the election), than I did. I have just never been interested. Of course I voted, but never watched a debate in my life and if a news show I was watching started talking about politics, I would change the channel. Until….Sarah Palin. I was mesmerized by her, impressed by her, and I wanted to hear what she had to say. I started watching debates, and the news related to politics. I can’t say that I know or understand everything yet, but I’m trying. I’m hooked. Look, I’m even commenting on political websites! My son should be proud! Sarah Palin has made me a better, more knowledgeable person. If she has this affect on me, imagine how she can positively affect other women. For once, a woman who is actually a positive role model for young girls. I would be more than happy for my daughter to look up to, and learn from, Sarah Palin.
Wow, I didn’t mean to go on and on. I guess I’m just excited that I have found a place where I can state my opinions without fear of being personally attacked.
Thanks for that.
Oh, I almost forgot, what is a Whig?
By: Monica on October 28, 2008
at 9:48 am
Welcome Monica. Happy to have people of all political persuasions participate. The wiki definition of ‘Whig’ is the belief in the supremacy of the congress. Don’t think that really fits my philosophy, but I’d be curious to hear Peter’s take on Whigs.
By: kmorrison33 on October 28, 2008
at 10:22 am
my name is Paul Pangman and I am a producer at the Purple States Project. I am trying to recruit VLoggers for a user-generated news website that will be launching on . What we are looking for is people from all 50 states to make a VLog about the economy. This is obviously a very important time in the history of our country and we want to make sure that the story is told by the people experiencing it. I was hoping you would consider being our correspondent from New Hampshire. If you are interested, we will pay you $50 for your VLog. We have arrangements with several major media platforms to promote and support this project so your message will be heard loud and clear. If this sounds like something you might like to do, please read on.
First, I was hoping you could just answer a few questions about yourself for me:
1) your age
2) what do you do for a living
3) what is your political affiliation (if any)
4) where are you from in New Hampshire
Anything else that you would like to add is up to you. I hope that you like the sound of this project because we would love to have you be a part of it. If you are inspired to proceed, just let me know and I will get you further instructions.
By: The Purple State Project on November 29, 2008
at 12:02 pm
Nice to meet you .
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By: Ella on January 6, 2009
at 10:41 pm
Hi I’m Sam,
Since the last post was Jan. 6th, I don’t know how soon anyone will respond, but here’s my two sense worth anyway.
I am 18 and as you’d probably expect, I generally lean left on social issues. But I’ve grown mistrustful of the Democrats in Congress as well as our (CA) state legislature since it seems to me that they’re more concerned with partisan politics and less concerned with doing what must be done.
Hopefully, this website is a place where we can discuss issues openly and reasonably without letting bitterness and past experiences cloud our judgment. Looking at the above posts, people here seem more red than purple, but I prefer talking to people on the right because it makes for livelier discussion and I get enough of the liberal viewpoint from my family and school.
I’ll keep exploring this site and see what I find. Thanks,
By: Sam Brier on August 9, 2009
at 11:46 pm
Hi Sam,
Glad you are here. People of all political stripes are welcomed.
The comments on this post trend red as I did support Senator McCain for president. Yet the basic position of this site is socially left-leaning, and fiscally right-leaning. Completely, on board with you view of partisan politics.
Thanks for coming by hope you visit and comment frequently.
By: kmorrison33 on August 10, 2009
at 11:50 am
I would like for you to review my web site & consider posting a link for it on your web site. I would like to put a link to your site there as well. Thank you for your consideration.
donna cameron
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By: donna cameron on August 22, 2009
at 5:04 pm
I have been Purple since 1980. Glad to see I’m not alone.
It’s time to make a visible statement. Wear purple every chance you get!
By: Jim on March 28, 2010
at 11:21 pm
I like Jim’s idea of wearing PURPLE to the voting booth, to rallies, forums, meet-the-candidates, etc. I will wear purple to make a visible statement, that I like some ideas from both sides, and I believe the best solutions would come from our representatives working together instead of playing party politics. If there are millions of people who show up wearing purple, how can the media help but notice and ask what it means.
By: Nancy on March 30, 2010
at 12:48 pm
Having read this I believed it was really enlightening.
I appreciate you taking the time and effort to put this content together.
I once again find myself personally spending a significant
amount of time both reading and commenting. But so what, it
was still worth it!
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at 10:12 pm
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at 11:10 am
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at 9:56 pm