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ACORN Corruption

Even with some attention over the last couple weeks, the publicly funded group ACORN has shady history that most people still know little about.

From the 2004 National Review article ACORN and the Money Tree

Given that federal funding is used “flexibly” within the ACORN empire, what kind of return is the government getting on its investment? Historically, failed 1960s-style leftism, intimidation and rabble-rousing, and questionable business practices — and hypocrisy. The EPI study documents ACORN’s involvement in an $850,000 labor-union embezzlement scheme in the late 1990s; in 2003, ACORN was found to have violated the National Labor Relations Act and was ordered to “rehire and pay restitution to employees terminated for attempting to form a union.” (ACORN’s in-house union-busting starkly contradicts its prescriptions for private-sector unionization, and is especially two-faced considering that ACORN’s chief organizer and co-founder — Wade Rathke — is also the chief organizer of Local 100 of the Service Employees International Union in New Orleans.)ACORN’s hypocrisy also extends to its stand on the minimum wage. While it has often attempted to force minimum-wage increases on private businesses through ballot initiatives and local ordinances, ACORN tried to exempt itself from California’s minimum-wage requirements. According to EPI, “ACORN argued that being forced to pay higher wages would mean that they would hire fewer employees — the very dilemma faced by businesses. Incredibly, ACORN stated that paying its employees a lower wage would allow them to be more sympathetic to the low- and moderate-income families they were attempting to help. ACORN argued that abiding by the state minimum wage would limit their ability to promote their agenda and would therefore be a violation of their First Amendment rights.”

Cristi Adkins from Clintons4McCain has also followed this story and writes about it in the article ACORN: The Poisonous NUT That Ended Democracy in America

ACORN is an acronym that stands for Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now. Its mere definition contains hints of Socialism as it claims to be a group advocating for low- and moderate-income families that addresses housing, schools, neighborhood safety, health care, job conditions, and other social issues.[3]

Beneath that surface lie violence, intimidation, threats, race baiting and direct physical attacks on property, people and the legal establishment.

Without going into the myriad details, many ACORN policy proposals are widely considered to be in line with the far left wing of the Democratic Party.[4]

If you are asking yourself what could possibly be so ‘bad’ with a group that in theory advocates for low income families, then you’ve just given yourself the reason this group has been allowed to thrive in America with little scrutiny and under the radar of main street observation until now.[5]

In truth, ACORN is the most virulent, organized crime group in this decade…and it is funded by YOU.

Put simply, ACORN is ripping off the taxpayer through Congressional hand outs.[6] In fact, ACORN was recently due to receive nearly $700 million of the $700 billion dollar bailout bill until Republicans in the Senate redlined it.[7]

Allow that to sink in for a moment: $700 million from the US for an organized crime group.

Yes, ACORN has been receiving Obama campaign funding, but what’s worse is that ACORN leaders are actively extorting money from banks, mortgage brokers and Congress. To add insult to injury, ACORN is costing Americans millions to investigate all of its criminal activities across America.

And then there’s the end of the democratic process through valid elections.[8] Yes, ACORN is behind much of the rampant voter fraud.[9] ACORN has been involved with fraudulent voter registrations for years.[10] In fact, Missouri has 8 ACORN guilty pleas on record (for 2006 violations of federal voting laws) just this year. Many other states are investigating many hundreds of cases of voter fraud in their jurisdiction.[11] We have compelling evidence that ACORN has been involved in fraudulent voter registration since early in the 2007 launch of the Obama campaign.

11 Responses to “ACORN Corruption”

  1. [...] And then there’s the end of the democratic process through valid elections.[8] Yes, ACORN is behind much of the rampant voter fraud.[9] ACORN has been involved with fraudulent voter registrations for years.[10] In fact, Missouri has 8 ACORN guilty pleas on record (for 2006 violations of federal voting laws) just this year. Many other states are investigating many hundreds of cases of voter fraud in their jurisdiction.[11] We have compelling evidence that ACORN has been involved in fraudulent voter registration since early in the 2007 launch of the Obama campaign. ACORN Corruption [...]

  2. You’d think McCain would mention the Obama connection at one of the debates.

  3. I wish he would….better yet -let Sarah do it!

    It is so obviuos Obama’s ties to ACORN that it is bordering on disturbing.

  4. This is excellent work. Continue to go VIRAL on this guys. This is Obama’s legitimate Achilee’s heel.



  5. It really puzzles me why McCain/Palin has not got down and dirty with all of the ties Obama has to crime. It is time to pull out all stop do whatever it takes to keep this horrible person from becoming the next President. McCain/Palin will clean this corruption up but they have to get down and dirty to clean the gutter out.

  6. Follow the dots from Carter to the accelleration in the Clinton era, with his no reform Democrats in Congress, and you get Fannie, Freddie, ACORN and economic ruin for the entire world.


    McCain-Palin all the way!

  7. Exactly Denny - it’s so simple - even a monkey can figure it out - which leads me to why the Obama Trolls haven’t figured it out….

    Hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil….

  8. [...] take a look at what was written about ACORN in 2004, shall we? From the 2004 National Review article ACORN and the Money [...]

    I, like many Americans believe that character, honesty, and integrity really do go to the foundation of who the next president should be.Obama is ahead in the polls because Obama is dramatically outspending McCain with television advertising … he has a biased media in the tank, who provides him with more and better exposure, and editorial endorsement … Obama has 96% of the black vote … he enjoys the relentless support of a completely biased entertainment industry, plus the left wing educational community, plus massive illegal, or unethical fund raising, and voter registration drives, by groups like Acorn … not to mention the fact that thanks to democratic propaganda, McCain has to carry Bush’s weight. At this point in time, many Americans are also beginning to question the validity of the POLLS. Are they skewed, like the biased media? Do they truly reflect reality? Are the sample groups mostly black voters? If the Democrats are so sure they’ve already won, how come they keep trying so hard to make the rest of us believe it? Just like they did against Hillary! There is a good chance that if we can keep voter fraud out of this election, that on November 4th, the actual voters, in the privacy of their booths, will elect McCain/Palin, by a comfortable margin. If you vote for Obama, you are also voting for voter fraud and a crooked media.
    On November 4th cast your vote for McCain/Palin !!!

  10. With Obama’s connections to Fannie Mae, he is the Fanchunian Canidate. America is being sold down the river. We are on the verge of seeing the fredoms of America coming to an end. We have ben told that it is for our own good that we use less fuel by people who leave a bigger carbon footprint in one year than most of us will leave in a life time. Energy is the key and they know it. There are people in Congress who need to go to prison for how they have financially benifited from selling out this great country that they are suppose to be serving.

  11. Here in crazy California you can always see the tactics used by democratic presidential candidates before they appear on the national stage. We have our Porp 8 which disallows gay marriage. Bieng from California (my whole life), I am tolerant. But the judicial system that disregarded the voters when they decided that Prop 22 (Voters adopted the measure on March 7, 2000 with 61.4% approval and 38.6% against) which prevented California from recognizing gay marriages. This is just the start. First marriage will have to include meaning gay marriage, then the same “encourage our view or we will shove it down your throat” crowd will say that if all churches do not also accept and promote gay marriage, they should no longer be afforded their tax exempt status.

    The same 501 c 3 tax exempt status the ACORN Institute now enjoys

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