Tensions Remain in Iranian Government #iranelection

While street protests in Iran have been squashed, it appears from reports from the BBC that those protests have lead to significant tension and strain with in the Iranian government.
BBC - Fight resumes over Iran cabinet
Iranian MPs have resumed a heated debate on the nominees for President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s new cabinet.
The Majlis holds [...]

Ted Kennedy Jr.’s Touching Eulogy for His Father

Part 1

Part 2

What is the Lesson of Figures Like Kennedy and Reagan?

The tributes to Senator Edward Kennedy pour in as the country starts to realize how many people’s lives the Senator touched. Some of the most moving memories come from people like Senator Orin Hatch, a Republican who collaborated on several bills with Ted Kennedy. Hatch recalls how Kennedy could go to the floor Senate, give [...]

John McCain On Ted Kennedy

*Posted prior to the passing of Senator Kennedy.  Senator McCain speaks to the effectiveness and his personal regard for Ted Kennedy.

Senator McCain’s respect and admiration for Senator Kennedy is also evident in the statement he made upon finding out about Senator Kennedy’s illness…
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to his family [...]

An Unsustainable Federal Deficit

As previously reported the Federal Deficit is Soaring with estimates for this year being between $1.6 trillion or $1.8 trillion. Now the projected deficit for the next 10 years is up $2 trillion. There are so many disturbing elements to this ever expanding deficit, not least of which is how the U.S. economy [...]

Ridge On the Politics of Security

If anyone is in doubt that politics is plays way to big a role in the running of the government another example comes out of the Bush White House.
Ridge: Bush officials sought to raise terror alert before ‘04 vote
Former Secretary of Homeland Security Tom Ridge says he successfully countered an effort by senior Bush administration [...]

A Misguided Boycott Of Whole Foods

Whole Foods is facing a boycott because its CEO John Mackey wrote an Op-ed in the Wall Street Journal opposing government run health care. Mackey’s thoughtful article gave eight ideas for health care reform, and is not anywhere near what most rationale people consider provocative or radical. On the contrary, he is one [...]

Federal Deficit Soaring

Out of control government spending is on display again as reports on the federal deficit show that it is shooting through the roof. The rate of deficit growth is at a level that is unsustainable for this country. Reports are to show that the deficit is between $1.6 trillion or $1.8 trillion. That’s [...]

Obama’s Health Care/Post Office Comparison

Americans are expressing serious reservations about the direction of health care reform. The President did little to assuage those fears when he compared the controversial ‘public option’ to the Post Office. Concerns about the administration’s handling of economic matters continues to grow, and citing the USPS as model government program when it is [...]

Concerns About Cap and Trade Legislation

Several lawmakers who previously supported cap and trade legislation have come out against the current plan as being too burdensome and tantamount to an energy tax.  Those in opposition include Senators McCain and Lieberman, obviously sponsors of the previous McCain/Lieberman cap and trade bill, and now Bloomberg is reporting that former Democratic Senator Timothy Wirth [...]
