Posted on September 30, 2009 by kmorrison33
This clip from the Chris Matthews Show is an interesting Rorschach test for ones political perspective. Posted by a liberal group, their perspective is that it shows that Republicans are unwilling to compromise, and just want to see the President fail. However, from the perspective of a fiscally conservative Independent, I see Senator [...]
Filed under: Economy, Health Care, Independent, Moderate, Obama, Politics, democrats, media, republicans | Tagged: hard ball hatch, hatch health care, hatch matthew, orrin hatch, orrin hatch health care | 1 Comment »
Posted on September 30, 2009 by kmorrison33
Posted on September 28, 2009 by kmorrison33
Some day it would be helpful to figure out how an organization so obviously shady, whose branches are routinely under indictment (or worse), could become so entrenched in both the government and in the markets, particularly the housing market. Until then, it good to see another ACORN relationship severed. Bank of America has [...]
Filed under: Economy, Independent, Moderate, Obama, media | Tagged: acorn bank, acorn bank of america, acorn banking, acorn housing, bank of america | 2 Comments »
Posted on September 28, 2009 by kmorrison33
Rasmussen Reports polling shows, Health Care Reform - Support for Health Care Plan Hits New Low. The most likely health reform plan at this time is the Baucus plan, yet what health care reform means is still largely unknown as numerous amendments to this bill are under review including whether a public option [...]
Filed under: Uncategorized | Tagged: health care numbers drop, polling numbers drop, rasmussen health care, rasmussen health poll, rasmussen polling | 1 Comment »
Posted on September 27, 2009 by kmorrison33
According to the New York Times, the White House is implementing a big health care push, and wil be pulling out all the stops to get its reform agenda passed…
Taking Health Care Courtship Up Another Notch
After months of cutting deals and stroking drug makers, hospitals and doctors, the president’s aides are laying the groundwork for [...]
Filed under: Health Care, Moderate, Obama, Politics, democrats | 2 Comments »
Posted on September 24, 2009 by kmorrison33
For the second time this year the Democrats have voted against transparency andby voting against posting a bill online 72 hours before it the vote. Transparency was a huge theme in the last election, this administration claimed it would be the most transparent in history, and while this vote is not President Obama fault, [...]
Filed under: Health Care, Independent, McCain, Moderate, Obama, Politics, democrats, republicans | Tagged: democrats transparency, health care transparency, healthcare transparency, obama election promises, post bills online | 2 Comments »
Posted on September 23, 2009 by kmorrison33
After numerous complaints about the Democrats rushing through health care legislation without adequate debate or explanation, a new complaint arises about Senator Baucus using his position to restrain companies (Humana in particular) from providing customers with information about the Senate Health Care Bill.
From the Wall Street Journal - Baucus Bludgeons Humana
Earlier this month, Humana sent [...]
Filed under: Health Care, Politics, democrats, republicans | Tagged: baucus humana, government shut up, humana letter, mcconnell baucus, mcconnell humana | 4 Comments »
Posted on September 22, 2009 by kmorrison33
Health Care legislation is still on a fast-forward track, at least in the House. This creates a dilemma for Democrats as two very different bills are underway in the House and Senate. Neither have any support from Republicans, and the measures such as the public option and surtax that are likely to be [...]
Filed under: Economy, Independent, Politics, democrats, media, republicans | Tagged: pelosi health care, pelosi house bill, pelosi house health care, pelosi public option, pelosi surtax | 2 Comments »
Posted on September 21, 2009 by kmorrison33
ACORN, upset about unflattering media attention from Fox news due to recent videos showing ACORN workers giving tax cheat advice to a couple dressed as a pimp and prostitute, is threatening lawsuits. However, as Ken Blackwell of points out, that could backfire in a big way…
If ACORN sues, it would have to sue alleging [...]
Filed under: Independent, Obama, democrats, media | Tagged: acorn fraud, acorn law suit, acorn lawsuit, acorn litigation, acorn townhall, ken blackwell | Leave a Comment »
Posted on September 16, 2009 by kmorrison33
President Carter recently made a statement saying that the anger at the tea party protests is due to racism. On a similar note Maureen Dowd of the New York Times wrote an article stating that Joe Wilson’s “You Lie” outburst was due to racism. We’re at a strange place when it comes to [...]
Filed under: Independent, Moderate, Obama, Politics, democrats, media, republicans | Tagged: race and politics, race politics, carter wilson dowd, carter wilson, dowd wilson | 4 Comments »