Crack Pipes Being Sold in Convenience Stores

There are several reports of ‘glass roses’ which are used as crack pipes being sold in convenience stores around the country. The following report comes from Georgia Georgia Police Chief Suggests Ban on Glass ‘Rose’ Pipes

“Police Chief Dennis Bell of Arcade, Georgia, is asking lawmakers to ban the three-inch glass pipes with a fake rose inside, the Associated Press reports. Bell says the novelty items, sold in many convenience stores, masquerade as crack pipes.

Known as “The Rose,” the pipe has a piece of cork on one end with a flower in the center. Bell said he is hoping the other police chiefs in Jackson County and the local sheriff will join him in seeking legislation to outlaw the pipes, the newswire reports.”

On the VH1 reality show ‘Celebrity Rehab’ they show former patient Seth Binzer going to the ‘Corner Mini Mart’ in Pasadena, California and buying a ‘glass rose’ for drug purposes. This is seen in the following clip…

The store in this clip is
Corner Market
342 E Orange Grove Blvd.
Pasadena, CA
(626) 792-5256

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