ACORN and the economic crisis.
Filed under: Economy, Independent, Moderate, Obama, Politics | Tagged: chicago acorn, chicago politics, madeline talbot, obama talbot, obama trained acorn | 5 Comments »
ACORN and the economic crisis.
Filed under: Economy, Independent, Moderate, Obama, Politics | Tagged: chicago acorn, chicago politics, madeline talbot, obama talbot, obama trained acorn | 5 Comments »
Obama ACORN connections
Filed under: Independent, Moderate, Obama, Uncategorized | Tagged: acorn anger, acorn radical, housing trust fund, obama acorn, obama radical | 24 Comments »
Pelosi tanked economic bill intentionally.
Filed under: Economy, Obama, Politics | Tagged: pelosi dishonest, pelosi economic bill, pelosi monkey business, pelosi sabotaged bill, pelosi tanked bill | 8 Comments »
Acorn’s connection with Fannie Freddie and the bailout deal.
Filed under: Economy, Obama, Politics | Tagged: acorn dobbs, acorn fannie, acorn freedie, fannie freddie bailout, lou dobbs | 25 Comments »
Biden and clean coal
Filed under: McCain, Obama, Politics | Tagged: anti coal, biden coal, clean coal, coal miner, coal mining, oh coal, pa coal | 1 Comment »
Obama top recipient of Freddie and Fannie donations
Filed under: Economy, Obama, Politics | Tagged: fannie contributions, fannie money, freddie contributions, freddie fannie, freddie money | 8 Comments »
Both parties could do the public favor and put a sock in it when it comes to all the politicking. There will be plenty of time for that, but if all the ‘experts’ are correct that this bill is urgent then Congressmen need to either grow a backbone or get a new job.
Filed under: Economy, Independent, Moderate, Politics | Tagged: bill failed, bill failure, congress failed, house partisanship, partisan house | 1 Comment »
The revised version of the bill drops the housing trust fund, a source of possible abuse, and includes an insurance against taxpayer losses making it look to be a significantly stronger plan than the first version announced last week before House Republicans had signed on.
Filed under: Economy, McCain, Obama, Politics | Tagged: acorn out, democrat acorn, democratic acorn, housing trust fund, obama acorn | 2 Comments »
Her intent in giving Senator Obama the bracelet was so that he would know her son’s name, which brings us back to the original problem. Senator Obama had to read Sergeant Jopek’s name off his bracelet.
Filed under: McCain, Obama, Politics | Tagged: bracelet debate, bracelet name, jopek bracelet, military parents, obama bracelet | 15 Comments »
News that the family doesn’t even want their son’s bracelet worn by the Senator, and are upset that Senator Obama uses Sergeant Jopek name in public, makes this appear to be an incredibly cold callous political move
Filed under: Obama, Politics, Uncategorized | Tagged: bracelet controversy, i have a bracelet, jopek, military family, obama bracelet, sergeant jopek | 20 Comments »